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McGraw-Hill series is electrical and computer engineering : Electronics and VLSI circuits
Signatur: UIU3727

IEE conference publication : ...
Signatur: UGU1515-...

Fluoride glass fiber optics
1. [Dr.], 1991
Signatur: UGU2058

Wiley series on photographic science and technology and the graphic arts
Signatur: UGU2626

Wiley series in pure and applied optics
Signatur: UGU1167-...

Applied optics and optical design (Alle Bände)
Reissue, unabridged an corr. republ. of the work orig. publ. London, 1929, 1992
Signatur: UGU2113-1

Optik für Konstrukteure
3., verb. Aufl, 1970
Signatur: UGU1028(3)
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