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A catalogue of a large, valuable, and elegant collection of books; including the libraries of the late Richard Cavendish, Esq; the Rev. Dr. Jortin, And several other curious Parcels lately purchase : Among them are the following: K. of Denmark's Book of Shells, coloured Works of Nat. Hist. by the Nuremberg Artists, 34 vol. with coloured prints Wilkes's Moths and Butterflies, coloured Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. coloured Flora Danica, Oederi, 3 vol. Sir Hans Sloane's Jamaica, 2 vol. ... 2 vol. 1st impression Musaeum Florentinum, 4 vol. 1st impress. Major's Book of Prints Chamb. Archit. Kew and Chinese Build. Campbell's Vitruv. Britan. 3 vol. L. P. Lord Burlington's Palladio and Baths Inigo Jones's Designs, by Kent, R. P. Le Roy, Ruines de la Grece, 2 tom. Stuart's Antiquities of Athens Antiquarian Society's Book of Prints Montfaucon, Antiq. 15 tom. grand pap. Voyages de Norden, 2 tom. figures Martiniere, Diction. Geograph. 10 tom. Fables de Fontaine, 4 tom. grand pap. Ostade and Du Sart's Prints Erasmi Opera, Clerici, 11 vol. ch. max. Corpus Historiae Brit. 10 vol. corio Turcico Eustathius in Homerum, 4 vol. Romae Aristotle & Theophrastus, 6 vol. Aldi Ciceronis Opera, Victorii, 4 vol. ... Paris Dion Cassius, Reimari, 2 vol. Herodotus, Wesselingii Demosthenes, Wolfii, edit. opt. Biblia Polyglotta, &c. Waltoni, 7 vol. ruled Sixti V. Septuaginta Graeca, Romae Calmet, Comment. sur la Bible, 9 tom. Critici Sacri, &c. 13 vol. edit. opt. N. Test. Gr. Wetstenii, 2 vol. cor. Turc. Thuani Historia, Buckleii, 7 vol. Vossii Opera omnia, 6 vol. ... King's Vale Royal of England Bp. Nicholson's Historical Libraries Bp. Tanner's Notitia Monastica The sale will begin in February 1771, and continue till all the Books are sold, at the Prices marked in the Catalogue, and in the first Leaf of each Article; by Benjamin White, At Horace's Head, in Fleet-Street, London [Elektronische Ressource]

A catalogue of a large : Valuable, and Curious collection of books, In all Languages, and in every Branch of Literature: Among which are the following, Hortus Eystettensis, Besleri. Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. Rus. coloured. Scheuchzer Physique Sacree, 8 tom. Roesel's Insects and Frogs, coloured. Meyer's Animals, 3 vol. coloured. Knorr's Lapides Diluvii, coloured. Knorr Deliciae Naturae, coloured. Schaefferi Fungi, 2 vol. coloured. Flora Danica, 2 vol. coloured. Ehret Plantae, per Trew, coloured. Hill's Natural Hist. 3 vol. L. P. coloured. Trew's Flowers, by Seligman, coloured. British Zoology, coloured. Schmiedel Icones, coloured. Hill's British Herbal, lar. pap. coloured. Academie des Sciences, 97 tom. 4 to. comp. Philosoph. Transact. at large, compleat. Dillenii Hortus Elthamensis, 2 vol. Hortus Indicus Malabaricus, 12 vol. Inigo Jones's Designs, by Kent, morocco. Montfaucon Antiquite, 15 tom. gr. pap. Voyage D'egypte, par Norden, 2 tom. Estampes, par Crozat, 2 tom. gr. pap. De Lisle and Roberts's Atlasses. Ruins of Palmyra and Balbec. Ruins of Greece, by Le Roy. Caesaris Comment. per Sam. Clarke. Sir T. Hanmer's Shakespeare, 6 vol. 4 to. Spence's Polymetis, first edit. Overbeke Reliquiae Romae Ant. Picart's Ovid's Metamorphoses. Gazettes, a Set of, 41 vol. Anderson's History of Commerce, 2 vol, Ld. Clarendon's Hist. 4 vol. lar. pap. rus. Religious Ceremonies, 7 vol. lar. pap. Horseley's Britannia Romana, lar. pap. Rushworth's Collections, 8 vol. Biographia Britannica, 7 vol. State Trials, 10 vol. compleat. Carte's History, 4 vol. lar. pap. Rapin and Tindal's Hist. 5 vol. James's and Postlethwayt's Dictionaries. Miller's and Johnson's Dictionaries. Patrick, Lowth, Arnald and Whitby, 7 v. Plinii Hist. Nat. Harduini, 3 vol. Plutarchi Opera, 2 vol. Paris. Polybius Casauboni. Dion Cassius, Reimari, 2 vol. Diodorus Siculus, Wesselingii, 2 vol. Dionysius Halicarnassus, Hudsoni, 2 vol. Rymeri F++ [Elektronische Ressource]